10 August 14:00-15:30 CEST
Episode 3 examines inequities in gender access to vaccines to inform pharmacy policy. Various angles to vaccinations and the gender will be discussed including general gender access, terms of empowering women as caregivers to support vaccinations, the impact of COVID-19 on gender inequity, and the issues around gender inequity in the workforce (which is especially important to discuss in 2020 Year of the Health Worker).
About the programme – FIP’s 2021 digital programme to Transform Vaccination Globally, Regionally, & Nationally comprises 2 series, totaling 12 events running between June and November.
Building on the outcomes of the 2020 programme, the 2021 FIP digital programme focuses on supporting FIP members in accelerating equity, access and sustainability of vaccinations through policy development and implementation.
About this series – The first of the two series comprises 5 episodes which include the opening event alongside 4 other events which explore equity in vaccinations across the different angles of age, gender, literacy & education, and interprofessional unity & collaboration.
Event Details
You can watch the event recording here.
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