8 July 13:00 – 14:30 CEST
Episode 2 takes a life-course approach to discussing vaccination. The panelists will focus on age and explore vaccines equity and access through life’s ages and stages – from childhood (including pregnancy) to later adulthood – from a pharmacy perspective. They will focus on setting out the policy issues and immediate next steps, determining what pharmacy needs to do to singularly affect the most change in this area.
About the programme – FIP’s 2021 digital programme to Transform Vaccination Globally, Regionally, & Nationally comprises 2 series, totaling 12 events running between June and November. Building on the outcomes of the 2020 programme, the 2021 FIP digital programme focuses on supporting FIP members in accelerating equity, access and sustainability of vaccinations through policy development and implementation.
About this series – The first of the two series comprises 5 episodes which include the opening event alongside 4 other events which explore equity in vaccinations across the different angles of age, gender, literacy & education, and interprofessional unity & collaboration.
Lina Bader – (FIP, Saudi Arabia)
Jane Barratt – ( International Federation on Ageing, Canada)
Event Details
You can watch the event recording here.
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Bonus interviews
Interview with Daphné Holt, Coalition for Life Course Immunisation CLCI
An interview with Dr. Daphné E Holt – Chair of the Coalition for Life-Course Immunisation (CLCI) – to address several angles regarding life course health and how access to vaccinations by pharmacies can support this approach.
We address some factors that affect access to vaccination throughout a person’s life from infancy to adulthood, identifying some policy changes, such as standardization of vaccination schedules along with effective communication with the people, that can help increase access to vaccinations as well as how pharmacists can contribute to this action today. Lessons learned from COVID-19 were also discussed.
Interview with Lois Privor-Dumm, Senior Advisor, Policy, Advocacy & Communications and Director, Adult Vaccines, at the International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH).
Lois Privor-Dumm mentions how inequalities are cumulative, thereby influenced by everything that has happened throughout a person’s life course and how vaccination is one of the most important factors in reducing these health inequalities. She also mentions that access to life-course vaccination not only affects one’s life, but also the life of those around him/her. Lois also highlights the importance of setting policies in place that address vaccine hesitancy and aims at building trust between community pharmacists and the public and how this is essential in addressing health inequities.