Transforming Vaccination Globally & Regionally Programme

The first FIP Transformation outcome-based online programme of its kind underpinned by the FIP development goals (FIP DGs). The programme is phased over three series, with each series consisting of 8 events delivered over 4-6 weeks in 2020.  

Series 1 (25th September-21st October)  events will focus on identifying the needs of the pharmacist and pharmaceutical scientist workforce to deliver on vaccination transformation.  

Series 2  (28th October-25th November )events will discuss the actions required to deliver on the needs identified in series 1, aligned to the FIP Development Goals.  

Series 3  (1st December-17th December)  will focus on FIP member organizations across 6 regions, and how they have addressed or will address these actions to deliver on the commitment to transform vaccines globally and regionally.  

Content from each of the three series will also be published in a collection published by FIP that will be used to drive the uptake of this commitment by pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists around to world. The final outcome of the programme is a historic global FIP Commitment to Action on Vaccination in Pharmacy.  

In this section:

Series 1: Identifying transformation needs:
The needs of the pharmaceutical science, practice and workforce of vaccination.

Series 2: Setting transformative goals:  Deconstructing vaccination in pharmacy through the FIP Development Goals (FIP DGs) across the entire profession.

Series 3: Committing to transformation:
Delivering a global commitment to action on vaccination.  

Pharmacy workforce around the world pledges to transform vaccination: