Tools & resources from FIP

Tools & resources from FIP

Pharmacy-based pandemic vaccination programme: Regulatory self-assessment tool (2021)

FIP commitment to action on improving vaccination coverage through pharmacies (2020)

FIP Vector-Borne Diseases: A handbook for pharmacists (2020)

The FIP Development Goals (2020) 

FIP Call to action to expand the role of community pharmacies in vaccination, including against COVID-19 and future pandemics (2020)

An overview of pharmacy’s impact on immunisation coverage. A global survey (2020)

Give it a shot: Expanding immunisation coverage through pharmacists (2020)

FIP call to action to support pharmacists and pharmacy workers on the coronavirus/COVID-19 frontline (2020)

FIP Intervention at the 146th WHO Executive Board Meeting, on provisional agenda item on the Global vaccine action plan (2020)

FIP global vaccination advocacy toolkit (2019)

FIP Intervention at the 71st World Health Assembly, on the Pandemic influenza preparedness framework for the sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits (2018)

FIP Intervention at the 140th WHO Executive Board Meeting, on the Global vaccine action plan (2017)

FIP Statement of Policy on the Control of Antimicrobial Resistance (2017)

FIP Intervention at the 70th World Health Assembly, on antimicrobial resistance (2017)

An overview of current pharmacy impact on immunisation: A global report  (2016)

FIP COVID-19 Resource Hub